Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. ~John Ruskin

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Himalayas Brainstorming

We will be beginning our study of the Himalayan region for this year's Asia interdisciplinary project in the coming weeks. The question is: what should we study? I certainly have my ideas, but would like to hear yours.

Since we are a meteorology class, we should certainly view our study through the lens of science. Do some research/reading about the Himalayas. How can we connect the science of the region to its culture? What is there scientifically that should be studied on its own? Provide your ideas - at least two - in some well-written and clear sentences.


  1. My ideas for the Asian project is that we study how the people in the Himalayas interpet their weather through their mythology and we could study on what type of technology they use to determine the weather.

  2. I did a little research and I found the following facts about the Himalayan importand to know. The Himalayan High-altitude climate varies according to the elevation. It gets colder as the elevation increases and gets showery as the elevation drops. As a result the temperature and climate in the Himalayan regions change very quickly. All of a sudden there can be happenings of downpours, floods, high winds, snowstorms and other types of precipitation, which makes the climate over there, unpredictable and dangerous. So us as a meteorology class, should study the effects that causes the weather to change so fast, and also study the seasons that the Himalayans have. By studying these two things, us as a class will have a much better understanding of the Himalayans.
    By: Vitor Nunes

  3. There are only two types of seasons in the Himalayas, summer and winter. There is also a region in the Himalayas that is always covered in snow because of its altitude. As a class we should study how the altitude affects its climate and weather, as well as its monsoon: seasonal reversing wind accompanied by changes in precipitation.

  4. We always have to start from the beginning so i say we should study how the Himalayas were created and then work our way into a meteorology idea, such as how people are able to live in such critical conditions of weather.

  5. We should study how the weather in the Himalayas affect the people who live there. We should also study how people's lives depend on the ten rivers that flow from there.

  6. I say we should study the geographical landmarks such as lakes and a large amount of snow affects the way they live their lives, similar to what Watata said.
    I also think that studying the everyday life of a person living in that area would give us a better idea of how people react to weather changes over there in contrast to how we react to weather changes here in the Northeastern region of the United States.

    By: Peter Ohazuruike

  7. I say we should study the geographical variations in the Himalayan mountains. I discovered Himalayan climates range from tropical at the base of the mountains to perennial snow and ice at the highest elevations.

  8. I propose that we study how the Nepalese Sherpa people's beliefs incorporate the Himalayas' gods of weather as a vital part of their being, both in their religion and their way of life.

  9. We should study how the ancient peole interpreted weather and how they did their own 'meteorology'. We could compare it to modern-day meteology, specifically mountain meteorology, and how accurate or inaccurate they were predicting weather. We could also learn about how weather changes as we climb Mt. Everest and broadcast it.

  10. We could look at how long the mountains have been there and how the people who live there deal with the weather

  11. We could study the kind of weather on the Himalayas and how the people of Nepal construe it. What the coldest and hottest temperature could be. Maybe the weather depends on their gods and how they worshiped them.

  12. We could study about the Himalayan weather and how certain altitudes and wind speeds affect it. Also what certain things could and could not happen in that area of the world. We can also compare the weather there to the weather of other mountain ranges. Another thing we can study are the people of that area and the area surrounding it and how the weather affects them.

  13. We should try to do a compare and contrast chart of different groups of people who live in high mountainous regions and how how they differ. Take for example a group of people who live on a high mountain and compare how they are different than someone who doesn't live as high up as th. Also we should study how people have been affected outside of mountains with weather. Such as does the weather vary becasue they live near a mountain?

  14. I think we should study how the mountainous regions of the Himalayas affects its climate. For example, how does the high altitudes of the Himalayas affect the climate patterns, and how do the people who live there adapt to that climate.

  15. I say we talk about how the Himalayas effect the climate in Indian subcontinent and the Tibetan plateau explaining what happens.

  16. ...during the seasons and during the different times of day,as well as the affects it has on the daily life of the people.

  17. I belive we could arrange a project about how the Himalayas affect the weather such as altitude, and how they affect weather. Also we can discuss hobbit affects peoples everyday life

  18. I think that we should research how people adapt to the weather and how differently they may live than other people on lower altitudes. We could also study how the people's lives have changed since the Himalayas formed.

  19. I believe that we should study the weather change as you get higher up into the Himalayas and compare the difference of temp. from it's highest point to it's lowest. We should also research how the Himalayas came too be the biggest mountain in the world.



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