Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. ~John Ruskin

Friday, September 23, 2011

Energy & Temperature

What are the important things we need to know for Tuesday's quiz on energy and temperature (vocabulary, concepts, formulas, how to solve problems, etc.)?


  1. One of the important things we need to know for the quiz on Tuesday is the difference between the potential energy and kinetic energy and the equations used for them and how radiant energy worked.

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  3. Be sure to remember the formulas for Potential & Kinetic Energy.

    PE = (Mass) x (Gravity) x (Height)
    KE = 1/2(Mass) x (Speed)

  4. For the quiz on Tuesday, we will need to know how to use the formulas for temperature (K, Degrees C, Degrees F). Boiling and freezing point of water, absolute zero,and at what point does degrees C and degrees F meet. We will also need to know the difference between kinetic, potential, and radiant energy.

  5. one important thing that we have to know is, how to use the equations to get the right answer.


  6. To not only know the formulas for energy but what each letter stands for and not forgetting to write down the units.

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  8. Know the key terms such as absolute zero, the temperature where atoms and molecules contain no energy (-273 degrees Celsius); temperature, and more. Also at which temperatures water freezes & boils. (212 degrees Fahrenheit for boiling & 32 degrees Fahrenheit for freezing)


  9. You need to know what total energy is when you're doing a potential and kinetic energy problem and how to convert temperatures.

  10. For Tuesday's Quiz be sure to kiss up to Mrs. Tuorto ^_^
    other than that, make sure you understand how figure out potential and kenetic energy. that means knowing how to set up the units correctly and doing the algebra.

  11. For the quiz on Tuesday be sure to know how to use the temperature formulas; to convert a temperature unit into another.

  12. For the quiz on Tuesday be sure to review the Kelvin scale and its differences from Celcius and Farenheit. Also remember how to solve energy equations using the energy conversion formulas!!!

  13. Know what joules means and how to solve kinetic, potential, and total energy. Understand how wave particle duality works, and how to use the temperature conversions.


  14. Key terms we should be familiar with..

    Potential Energy- The energy that a body possess by virtue of its position with respect to other bodies in the field of gravity.

    Kinetic energy - The energy within a body that is a result of its motion.

    Conduct - The transfer of heat by molecular activity from one substance to another.

    Convention - Motions in a fluid that result the transport and mixing of the fluids properties.


  15. Know about the conservation of energy.

  16. We need to remember the little tricks that Mrs. Tuorto puts in. Like when she puts grams in an energy equation instead of kilograms. Also We can't calculate kinetic energy if it has no velocity.


  17. We should know tha Temperature:speed of air molecules, the faster the molecules the more energy, radiant energy:from the sun, can be stored as PE or used as KE


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