Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. ~John Ruskin

Monday, December 16, 2013

A Wrap-Up of Isaac's Storm

Now that we have finished reading the interesting yet sad story of the Galveston hurricane and its victims, what are your final impressions?  Was there something in the story that surprised you, shocked you, or made you wonder?  Did you learn anything new about what life in 1900 was like, and/or how far weather forecasting has come in the last 100 years?  How did the personal stories of the victims and survivors make you feel?  As always, please carefully proofread your well-written comment.


  1. The book Isaac Storm's was both a well taught lesson, and a sad story that can leave horrifying images in your head. Honestly this story didn't supries me when it came to the humber of deaths but what made me wonder was what the parents were thinking about when it came to saving themselves or their children. I also had the images of children who were alive and alone, and I often wondered how they felt instead of assuming their emotions by the looks on their face. I've learned that in the 1900's weather wasn't as extreme as now, so they were not as prepared as we are. Reading about the victims personal stories showed me how blessed I am, and how you can be flowing in wealth one day but then be in turmoil the next.

  2. After reading the book Isaac's Storm I have come to realize how horrific and tragic the hurricane was. I found myself comparing and contrasting the hurricane of Galveston to Superstorm Sandy a lot. It is the only significant storm that I have lived through and experienced. The book tough a great lesson that life is very unpredictable and always keeps us on our toes. For the wealthy city of Galveston one day it was completely destroyed. This helped me to realize that we have nothing secured in life. Many people in Galveston had a perfect calm life one day and the next they found themselves with nothing and no family because they are all dead after the hurricane. It teaches me to be grateful for what I have because at any moment anything like this can happen to me and so far it hasn't. It made me feel bad for the survivors that they had to live like that after the hurricane, which is not difficult but it also made me feel grateful that that has not ever happened to me.

  3. I enjoyed reading Isaac's Storm a lot. The title says it all for me in the end since Isaac played a huge role in the storm. Besides being in the heart of the storm Isaac knew the storm was coming and yet didn't do enough to save Galveston and his wife. This began to haunt him which made him not make the same mistake later on in life. That was a part I liked a lot. I can't believe however that throughout the beginning of the book no one would listen when people gave warning because everyone thought they were safe or untouchable for some strange reason. This I disliked because in the end look how many people died for being arrogant. I did wonder though if everyone had listened and everyone had been warned would this have been the deadliest storm ever or would it just have been a close call but nothing more? This book was written very well and hearing personal accounts of the storm from victims was a very powerful way to express the story. Hopefully no one will ever make such a mistake again when it comes to powerful storms.

  4. I enjoyed Isaac Storm a lot. I liked the way it was formatted and the chronological order it was put. Through out the story no one believed in Isaac Storm, that a hurricane was coming. The Galveston Hurricane was the deadliest hurricane to ever hit the U.S. Isaac knew that a huge storm was coming but no one listened to him. After the hurricane passed Isaac felt a sense of guilt. If people would have listened to Isaac would many more lives had been saved ? I believe so. After the a Hurricane Isaac promised to never let anything like that happen again. Forecasting has increased over 100 years because technology has become more advanced and meteorologist take every storm seriously and they do not take any chances. The personal accounts in the story made the story more exciting and made you feel as if you were on of the victims of the Galveston Hurricane.

  5. I enjoyed reading Isaac Storm. I liked how the story was set up. First it was about Isaac story than it was on another persons perspective. I also felt sorry for those people who died and those people who lost family members because of the hurricane. I also noticed the people of Galveston were kind of hard headed first they didn't listen to the Cubans and then they didn't listen to isaac. The book was sad and as I was reading I really hoped that Isaac finds Cora. But the end of the book made me feel sad on how it ended . If the people of Galveston listened to the cubans and isacc many people would of been saved. But overall this is a good book and now I know one of the deadliest hurricanes.

  6. The book “Isaac’s Storm” made me realize that life's disasters are sometimes unpredictable. A great meteorologist such as Isaac, should have been the person people listen to. This storm taught a lesson where people must stop being arrogant. What surprised me was the procedure the nuns used to save the poor orphans. To be honest that was the dumbest decision that a human being can decide. What I learned about that time was that there weren’t as much warnings. Also the weather forecast now are more accurate than back then. Reading the personal stories of those who had family members that dies made me sad. The way they described the chamber where they kept the dead bodies freaked me out. I enjoyed reading this book, it showed me that in life there are things that no one could be too prepared. I also know now, one of the greatest hurricane that ever struck the U.S..

  7. After reading the book Isaac’s Storm by Erik Larson, my impressions are that I have never seen or even heard of a hurricane like this before. To my perspective this was the greatest hurricane yet. The thing that surprised me was that when people were given out the warning of the hurricane, no one listened and as a result most of the people died. Yes I did learned something new about the life in 1900 that communication was one of the biggest problem because it used to take so long to get your message across and in the last 100 years the weather forecasting has got so much better. The personal stories of the victims and survivors make me feel sad because those who survived and lost their family members have to go through a lot of problems and suffer like depression, mental issues and etc…

  8. Issac's Storm, was a book that was very interesting and a whole lot of devastation throughout happened. By what we know, the book tells us about the great amount of people that passed away throughout the hurricane. What I wondered by the end of the book was, what if people actually listened to the actual forecast and evacuated Galveston? The amount of people that died would have been significantly lower. Life back then in the 1900's was super hard. Technology and forecasting has come such a long way. Obviously weather that is forecasted now is almost nearly perfect. The way people communicated was also a huge difference compared to now. We have it easy, back then it was almost nearly impossible to get in touch with others. Any type of death is always devastating. The personal stories of family members that were killed during the hurricane is just heartbreaking. Not only with having family members pass away is hard but having to deal with guilt and nightmares. Nightmares because the hurricane of Galveston was truly a nightmare. Something that will never be forgotten and no one ever wants to relive again.

  9. "Issac's Storm" was a pretty interesting novel. I loved how the story was mixed with some biographical elements while being able to maintain its focus on the the tragic storm that hit Galveston in 1900. I learned plenty of new meteorological terms, had my emotions tossed back and forth while hearing how families had to deal with traumatized images of dead loved ones, and how the hurricane's force was frequently described as weapons like scimitars. Isaac's story touched me a lot. It was so amazing how when he found his late wife's ring, he wore it as a sign of his undying love for her. I never thought that there was a hurricane worse than Katrina until i read this novel, and "Isaac's Storm" makes Katrina look like a puddle. Hopefully, there will never be a hurricane this severe in the United States ever again.

  10. In the end, the book was very good. The thing that surprise me was when the nuns was tring to save the 90 children,but only three survived. I felt sad for the people who die tring to save the children. I learn that how back in the day they burned die bodies or tried to sink die bodies to get the disgusted smell of the rotting corpse. But at the end, I felt sad still for all the victims of he storm. That family members that got traumatized for life for their relative the die in the storm. Overall, the book was great. I had fun in the class.

  11. This novel Isaac Storm made me realize how far we have come with technology and weather forecasting in the past century. The life we live and with the technology makes life feel so much more simple and less dangerous than times before us. With our weather forecasting machines and abilities I forgot how dangerous a natural disaster really is when it comes to taking lives. Especially if you are not prepared and in-experienced. This book taught me some history on storm disasters because I have never heard of this specific one in Galveston. But the main lesson I took out of this novel is to never underestimate "mother nature"

  12. Isaac's Storm was an interesting book. It told the story of a time in America where men with their "new" technologically advanced society believed that they could control everything including the weather. The hurricane that tore through Galveston, Texas, while resulting in many deaths, had a good humbling effect on the people in the twentieth century. I think the novel made me see that even with how advanced society is today, we don't act as though we can control nature. Isaac had a very important job and had he done it correctly many lives may have been saved. The way that the bodies were disposed of seemed familiar. It reminded me of the descriptions of the Black Plague.

  13. I really enjoyed reading Isaac's storm. It gave me a very insightful look on how life was back around the nineteenth century, while also showing me the history of one of the most deadliest hurricanes to hit America. I was moved by the characters in the novel and their struggle to get through the crisis that was unfolding. I can also say without a doubt that this novel has also taught me the importance of hurricanes and how dangerous they can be. Observing the weather service back then makes me really appreciate today's weather service. Technology has advanced beyond that of Isaac's time and i feel that we are much better prepared for disasters then ever before.


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