Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. ~John Ruskin

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Magnetic solar flares

      The video from the History Channel was about solar flares and how they could affect earth if they penetrate our magnetic shield. Solar flares are massive surges of electrically charged plasma that has shot off of the sun into space. But, not to often the earth has a direct hit from a solar flare. Our first line of defence is our magnetic shield. Our magnetic shield grabs the electrocharged plasma and reflects it around the earth or some is pulled towards the north and south poles. This can been seen as the northern lights or auroras. These auroras are caused when the electrocharged plasma from the sun interacts with the earths atmosphere and magnetic shield and causes the atmosphere to glow. But, if we did not have our magnetic field, the solar flares would cause a magnetic apocalypse. Where the electrocharged plasma would destroy the world’s electric circuit. As a result, there would be no communication, gas, food, or water. It can cause many deaths up to half of earths population. Another way that this can be a reality is if the earth’s magnetic shield flips and during the flip we could have no protection from the sun’s flares. On the bright side, N.A.S.A has launched a new satellite, S.D.O. that watches the sun’s activities and is equipped to take readingings of space weather. So we can be better prepared for solar flares if not predict space weather. 

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