Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. ~John Ruskin

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Guy Stewart Callendar, born February 8, 1898 in Montreal, is the reason that climate change is at the forefront of science research today. While he most contributed towards civilian and military advancements as a steam engineer and and inventor, he is also accredited for coming up with the "Calendar Effect"/"Greenhouse Effect". Callendar, through intense data analysis, found a direct correlation between the rising levels of CO2 in the atmosphere and and the rising temperatures of Earth's surface. This rather simplistic discovery would eventually lead to all of global warming research. In 1938, Callendar published his works but as novice Meteorologist his findings were completely ignored. It wasn't for a few decades until scientists started to seriously look at the "Callendar Effect".  Charles David Keeling verified the work in 1958 putting climate change research to the forefront. Today approximately $30 Billion are spent every year on climate change research and global warming prevention programs. We have come a long way since the work of Guy Stewart Callendar and still have a ways to go before solving the issue.

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