Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. ~John Ruskin

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Vilhelm Bjerknes

Vilhelm Bjerknes was born on March 14, 1862 in Christiana, Norway previously known as Oslo, Norway. When Vilhelm was a young kid, his father would have him help out with his own research. I think this experience when Vilhelm was younger is the reason why his research was so great when he grew up. Vilhelm was a Norwegian meteorologist and physicist. He was also one of the founders of the and developers of the modern science in weather forecasting. Vilhelm was also a professor at many colleges and universities. Some being the University of Stockholm and the University of Leipzig. What most people consider to be Vilhelm's most memorable contribution to the field of meteorology is that he came up with the Polar Front Theory. This theory includes fronts and the formation of cyclones. What I think is interesting about this theory is that he came up with while working with his son. This reminds me of how Vilhelm's dad had him help out ands now he has his son helping out. Fronts tell how the weather is going to be. For example, cold fronts bring cold weather and warm fronts bring warmer weather. Polar Front theory talks about how a cyclone forms when there a disturbance in a front. Bjerknes does not get the credit that he deserves when it cames to the fame of his theories and research towards the field of meteorology. This is due to the fact that he worked with a lot of people while doing his research. This is why his name is not that well known. What people should know is that he inspired many people to continue his research and advance the field of meteorogoly themselves. Inspiration is one of his major contributions to the firld of meteorology in my opinion. Vilhelm Bjerknes ended up dying in thesame place he was born in Apri 9, 1951.
Image result for vilhelm bjerknes

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