Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. ~John Ruskin

Monday, December 14, 2015

How to become a meteorologist

A meteorologist is someone who observes, report, and forecast weather conditions. There are six types of meteorologist(Weather forecaster, Climatologist, Researchers in Atmospheric Science, Consulting meteorologists, Lecturers, Weather broadcasters,). Being a meteorologist is not going to be easy. Meteorology requires pre/co-requisite knowledge in higher mathematics, advanced physics and chemistry, and a good computer profiency. You need to get a four year bachelor of science degree in meteorologist or climatologist. Research or management positions requires a Master of Science degree or a Ph.D. If you want to be a meteorologist or you are not sure, you canshadow or intern with the meteorologist. It is very important, because it allows you to have a hand to see how the meteorologist forecast the weather.The responsibility of collecting and reporting observational weather data is normally undertaken by Meteorological Technicians, who don't need to process an academic degree. Their qualification is normally obtained through completion of technical level courses duration from a few months to two years. If you want to be a TV weather person, journaism and mass media communication courses will be necessary. And a good knowledge of atmospheric physics and chemistry. You may also consider private weather consulting firms for employment, including as forensic meteorologist providing meteorological information and advice for legal cases.
Forensic is denoting the application of the scientific method or technique to the investigation of crime.

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