Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. ~John Ruskin

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Edward Lorenz 

      Before Edward Lorenz discovered the chaos theory, Poincares had a vision about it with the three body problem which did not had any significant success. The theory a great way of thinking out weather patterns that seem to be totally out of order. Lorenz realized that small changes in the atmosphere can trigger an unsuspected result, this coincidentally led him to believe, " Predictably: does the flap of a butterfly's wing in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas?" His theory made scientists believe differently as to how weather cannot be predicted beyond three weeks with any amount of substantial accuracy. Lorenz insights started a new field of study not only in meteorology but also mathematics and science in the branches such as biological, social and physical.

He stuck the knife in the cake of the Cartesian law of movement when many had incited which is the third scientific revolution in the 20th century, following the likes of quantum physics relativity.

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