Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. ~John Ruskin

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Visual Spectrum & Atmospheric Optics

I did my extra credit science symposium on visual spectrum (solar spectrum) and atmospheric optics. The visual spectrum is a chart of different colors and their wavelengths, humans can only see a small portion of colors (wavelengths) while other animals and insects, like the mantis shrimp,  can see a much broader spectrum. Then that links into atmospheric optics, basically its how light interacts with things like water droplets, ice crystals and pollutants in the air and clouds. The water, ice and aerosols act like prisms (a clear pyramid like block that disassembles light into colors) and mirrors to create things like sun-dogs, halos, cloud coloration and rainbows. Some cloud colors help with predicting weather, for example green clouds show us that ice crystals are forming within the cloud so there are strong indications of possible wind, snow and/or hail. Yellow clouds just tell us that there are pollutants in the cloud which is why they are more prevalent in cities. Then things like sun-dogs and rainbows are just sun and moonlight interacting with water and ice crystals in the air.

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