Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. ~John Ruskin

Friday, September 13, 2013

Weather and Your Life

We talked in class about a study that showed an increase in violent crime as temperatures rise.  Some people say they are happiest when it is sunny; others gain calm from a rainy, cloudy day.

I've always hated the cold, and dread the midwinter months; not being able to spend a lot of time outside makes me antsy, and I can never seem to bundle up enough to avoid my hands and feet going numb and feeling cold all the way to my bones.  On the other hand, the bright sunshine and mild temperatures of an early fall day make me feel more energetic and positive.  Add a breeze into the equation, carrying the scent of falling leaves, and it's pretty much a perfect day.

How do you feel the weather affects your life?  Does the weather influence your mental state?  Have you ever felt physically affected by the weather?  Please comment in a well-written paragraph (that means doing some proofreading, spellchecking, and grammar-policing!).


  1. Not too cold and not too hot is my favorite type of weather. When it's cool, cloudy, and a light drizzle is when I most feel myself. Being in that type of weather is what makes me focus a lot, and for some odd reason it brings a good mood to me. It also relaxes my mental mindset and makes me think about everything that is going on in my life. Physically, it changes how I act to. I get quiet and don't say much. For sure, it's a weird weather to feel amazed and have a sense of relief, but it really gets me in the best of mood!

  2. Autumn is my favorite time of the year, because of the different color leaves that brights up the road. As for weather that affects my physical being, that would be rain. When it rains pain starts to attack my ankle, but that's not the only reason why I don't like the rain. When it rains I see it asthe world crying, crying because the people she holds doesn't care about her. But out of all the wrong we do she still luminesces the sky with a rainbow.

  3. Spring is definitely my favorite time of the year. Spring for me at least is a great transition from the Winter. It's never to cold or to hot and everything begins to blossom again. For a weather that affects me mentally would most likely be when it snows. There's just something about the snow that just makes me wonder. It's a weird feeling but ever since i was a kid i always enjoyed starring out into the sky as little snow flakes would pile up into huge piles of snow. Maybe because how snow comes around the time of Christmas is why i like it so much but all i know is that it brings a smile to my face.

  4. Well, I like the cold weather because of the white snow shrine a beautiful white blanket that cover the ground. I don't like the heat in summer. It is too hot to going anywhere. Sometime when it to hot outside at night sometime my nose bleeds and i hate when that happen. I like winter better because my nose doesn't bleed. Plus, you can sleep better when it cold, but in summer it's hard to sleep with the blaze heat at night.

  5. I enjoy fall days because it is when it is not too cold but it is not too hot, it is perfectly in between. It is very relaxing to me to see all of the leave change colors and eventually fall of the trees, it is very comforting to walk outside and see this. The fall night are the best to sleep because the temperature is perfect. I like the fall atmosphere because i feel more like myself in the sense that it gives me more energy to go about my day.

  6. Well I realize that the weather really does affect my life. For instance my body towards summer is basically feels strong and athletic. I feel that my body is stronger than it is in winter. During the winter I feel lazy, especially when I get out of bed, those early wake up time to go to school, I hate it. But my favorite weather is the cold because even though my body gets weak, I like to work out during that time to feel great during the summer. I hate the summer because of the fact that when I play soccer I hate the feeling of the blazing sun, I feel like my head is about to burst and pop like popcorn. This is why I prefer the cold (winter) than hot (summer).

  7. Weather as a huge affect on my life, mainly because of my love for warm weather. So with my love of warm weather comes my love for outdoor activities. I admit that even though I love warm weather it puts me in the wild and curious state of mind. Mainly because warm weather requires less clothing, you are comfortable with being outside all day, which makes teens curious and brainstorm on idiotic things. It physically affects me every year because I become darker than I really am. Also I have found myself in more dangerous situations when it is warm than I do in cold weather

  8. The weather only affects my mood most during the Spring. I noticeably get cynical and pessimistic about a lot of things. I get mad at small things because it takes a while for me to get used to the increasing heat. In other words, I get dehydrated a lot when it gets warmer. I often get headaches when it rains. I like temperatures between forty and seventy-five degrees Fahrenheit. I would rather be cold than hot because its easier for me to do something against it the cold. I just bundle up in sweaters and thermals to keep warm. Plus, my hands and ears almost never get cold. When its hot, I don't usually sweat as profusely as some people. It's usually my back that sweats in the heat. I find it annoying to have sweat on my face, which is why I am always wiping my forehead during practice and trying to stay out of the sunlight as much as I can.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. My favorite time of the year is Winter because I get to see all my family together and my brothers happy about Santa Claus and the gifts they will receive in the 25th. I like Winter in Puerto Rico because is actually a good weather , but here in the U.S. is extremely cold all my body start to hurt mostly my hands. I'm excited about this Winter because is going to be my first Winter in the U.S., I don't know if I'm going to like it I wish i do. Winter bring me happiness I Hope it bring it to me here.

  11. I like both types of or all types of weather but sometimes when its summer i say to myself, it would have been better if it was cold and when its cold then i say to myself i want it to be hot. I think i like cold weather than hot weather because when i go to bed i want it to be cold. The only time the weather effects me when the weather changes like, hot to cold or cold to hot, i get an headache. In winter, if i don't dress properly i get sick and if i get sick in winter then i a sick for good 2-3 weeks.

  12. Personally I am absolutely in love with the winter and fall seasons. I think this is because, for some reason, i enjoy wearing sweaters and coats. Around this time of year another thing I enjoy the most is running, unlike most of my teammates. Its something about the way i get goosebumps while running thats makes me feel warm on the inside. However, when it becomes bery windy I despise it,I feel that when it's cold I am a lot calmer and relaxed.

  13. For me, it seems the weather has always affected both my mood and my mental state. Usually when it is sunshine and there's little to no sign of clouds, I'm usually at my happiest. I wake up refreshed and renewed and have no problem getting out of bed. However, when it's cloudy and rainy, I tend to become extremely tired and would rather stay inside. I even struggle to stay awake in my classes on rainy days. My least favorite parts of the year are when the seasons begin to transition (primarily August-September.) It is usually during this time where my allergies are at their worst and I'm busy coughing and wheezing because of the constant weather changes. For example, in the beginning of September, some mornings it will be pretty cool like in the 50s, but by the afternoon, it would be 80 degrees or higher.

  14. The weather effects my life in many ways , it determines weathrr i go to practice or if its cancelded and weather i go to work. For me , it seems that the weather affects my mental and physical state tremendously. When it is very hot and sunny , I tend to be very irrated and annoyed because of the heat , when its cold I get very tired and lazy. But when it is the perfect weather , not to hot , not to cold, I am the happiest. I tend to bemore social, I listen more , I am friendlier , etc. The weather has physically affected me 3 times. Those 3 times I got dehydrated because it was so hot, my body felt bunb and I couldn't stand the soundsall around me . I had to go to the hospital and I stayed there for about 6 hours , all 3 times. I finally learned my lesson todrink a lot of water and stay hydrated.

  15. Weather is mostly affected because of the sport I do which is soccer. Soccer is mostly played in the summer and fall, so since I love soccer I love the summer. It determines if I go to practice or if I go to the soccer field and practice on my shots. In the winter I can't do all that, in the winter we play indoor soccer but is not really my style. I also believe that the seasons affect my mood because of the temperature. In the summer all I want to do is play and be in the outdoors, I'm more active in the summer, while in the winter I'm more lazy and sleepy all the time. I struggle more in school in the winter just because of that. Which is most of the school year, but I have to get use to it

  16. My favorite type of whether is between 70-85 degrees F and sunny with little wind. With this whether makes me feel happy because I feel comfortable in this whether. With this whether I can go to the park and play soccer without any complication with the whether. Winter still makes me happy because I love to play in the snow and earn money plowing drive way in my block. In summer I'm happy and angry because happy because I can play soccer go to water parks and stuff. But when I'm not doing that stuff I stay home a lot because of the sun so I become mad. But my favorite season is fall, its just the way I like it.

  17. Weather directly affects my mood and behaviors. On rainy days I am much more relaxed and and have less energy while on a beautiful sunny day I am always feel more comfortable and I have a lot of energy. But if it is weather is very hot I become uncomfortable, lazy, and can not think or speak clearly. Compared to a very cold day were it is 60 or below I am on top of my game thinking clearly and pumped to do just about anything. Thank fully we are starting to enter colder weather and winter and i cant wait to put on a sweatshirt and play outside.

  18. Me personally weather effects me in a positive way, for example, when it rains I am very happy and relaxed, when it snows I bundle up and add cocoa to my day as the snow falls. Physically I am calm and less active and in a way a bit more sluggish, but during hot and humid days I find myself a bit more irritated, and physically more aggressive and likely to hit someone. I believe that the weather effects most people in addition to other side variables but in all a sunny day makes for a sunny personally in all people.


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