Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. ~John Ruskin

Friday, September 17, 2021

Joplin Tornado

    The Joplin tornado was an EF5 on the Fujita scale. It tore through 6 miles and was almost a mile wide and caused a tremendous amount of damage. As you can see below:

    Since it was covered by high-precipitation cells they couldn't even tell the tornado was coming until 15 minutes before it touched the ground. Due to the late notice and the intensity of this tornado, it was extremely dangerous. So dangerous that it was named the most dangerous tornado to ever be recorded in the US. There were 161 deaths and more than 1,000 injuries making it the deadliest tornado to be ever recorded in US history. A little over 8,000 buildings in all were damaged, most were totally destroyed or destroyed beyond repair. The total damage cost was over 3 billion dollars. After the tornado was over Joplin, Missouri was devastated. They needed to rebuild after the tornado. NIST who focuses on American innovation and industrial competitiveness went to Joplin a couple days after the tornado to examine and collect data. From this, they were able to help Joplin build safer homes that would be more resistant to tornadoes along with hospitals too. They also wanted to install tornado shelters in every house and lastly, they wanted more clear nation codes and communications in emergencies like this.

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