Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. ~John Ruskin

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Tornado of Moore, Oklahoma

The Tornado of Moore, Oklahoma was the biggest disaster to hit the town of Moore in a very long time. That tornado also broke records for wind speed. With the tornado registering as an EF-5 tornado based on the wind speeds that it reached and damage that was caused the city of Moore, Oklahoma was basically left paralyzed in place. Thousands of peoples homes were destroyed from the storm. The tornado lasted an hour and a half ripping the town apart. There was $800 million dollars in damage done to the city. The city of Moore, Oklahoma is located in Tornado Valley and basically is the middle of it. The citizens were hit with more than one tornado after this one but none were to the magnitude of the Tornado of Moore, Oklahoma on May 3, 1999.

Edward Lorenz 

      Before Edward Lorenz discovered the chaos theory, Poincares had a vision about it with the three body problem which did not had any significant success. The theory a great way of thinking out weather patterns that seem to be totally out of order. Lorenz realized that small changes in the atmosphere can trigger an unsuspected result, this coincidentally led him to believe, " Predictably: does the flap of a butterfly's wing in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas?" His theory made scientists believe differently as to how weather cannot be predicted beyond three weeks with any amount of substantial accuracy. Lorenz insights started a new field of study not only in meteorology but also mathematics and science in the branches such as biological, social and physical.

He stuck the knife in the cake of the Cartesian law of movement when many had incited which is the third scientific revolution in the 20th century, following the likes of quantum physics relativity.

Friday, September 18, 2015


In 287 BC, Archimedes was born and raised by an astronomer who taught him a lot about mathematics, astronomy, and engineering. One of his biggest contributions to math was understanding the pi symbol. Due to the fcat that he was good at geometry, he was able to make a small planetarium. This incorporated geometry because he had to find out the precise angles and measurements in order to make a close representation of the planet's orbit. Archimedes' math skills also made it possible for the screw pump to be invented. This was a very important invention because without it, many cultures would have trouble with irrigation systems, which could later effect their farming. Archimedes also contributed to physics by creating the Archimedes Principle. This basically stated that "the buoyant is equal to the weight of displaced water."  Now what does Archimedes have to do with meteorology? Without his understanding of math, meteorologist would have trouble understanding the formation of convection clouds. Archimedes has left the legacy of being one of the greatest mathematicians, physicists, engineers, and astronomers. Lastly, he will be remembered for using the word "Eureka", which means "I have found it."

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The March 1993 Super Storm

The Super Storm of March 1993 would be known as the "Storm of the Century" because of the havoc and devastation it brought. By March 2, 1993 National Weather Service (NWS) Meteorologists had already predicted a significant storm using numerical weather prediction models and other meteorology tools. This was the first time a storm of such magnitude was predicted 5 days prior to its occurrence. The storm was a culmination of 3 different weather patterns, which were only fueled by rapid wind, temperature contrasts, and thunderstorms off the Texas Gulf Coast. On the midnight of March 13th, the storm reached land, bringing severe thunderstorms, turbulent winds, and tornadoes to the Florida Panhandle. The storm would soon bring its intensity from Florida to Georgia, Alabama, the Carolinas, and the Virginias. On the afternoon of March 13th the storm would reach the Northeast. At sea, the storm was powerful enough to sink the 200 foot Honduran freighter, the Fantastico. On land, it would bring heavy snowfall and flooding to many areas. The snowfall was so intense that Boone, North Carolina had 21 inches of snow. The aftermath of the storm is astounding. There was over 6 billion dollars worth of damage done to property and an estimated 10 million people were somehow affected by the storm. There were 318 fatalities, most of which were located in the southern part of the storm's course.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Hurricane Katrina Final

Hurricane Katrina was a natural disaster that occured from August 23, 2015 to August 31, 2015 . It was ranked the costliest natural disaster ever recored with a whopping 108 billion dollars of damage. The state most effected by the hurricane was Louisiana. The reason why there were effected the most because the city, New Orleans, is 6 feet below sea level . Their levee system, which was built in the 20th century, was aging and could not beat the powerful storm that was coming. It has been 1,600 people dead and most of the people that could not be saved was over the 74. The second state with the most deaths was Mississippi with 238. The state of Louisiana and the congress passed and act to help the state with their levee systems just in case something bad as Katrina happens again. The 10 year anniversary was roughly about 2 and a half weeks ago and even today some parts of NO are still effected by the hurricane. 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Johannes Kepler: The Founder of Planetary Motion

               Before Johannes Kepler revealed the truth about the center of space, people actually thought that the earth was the center(people weren’t actually sure). Through his inquisitions, he was able to help discover what the actual center of the world was, the sun. Kepler helped pave a long road of scientific discoveries that helped advance our world. His Laws of Planetary Motion helped prove more than just where the center of the sun was. He helped show the world the distinction between astronomy and astrology(being the Co-Founder of Astrology). Finally, him predicting that the moon controls the tides.
Throughout history we have seen great astronomers and mathematicians, but none of them would have been done without Johannes Kepler and his Laws of Planetary Motion, his invention of the telescope, and advancement in Astronomy, which eventually led to other scientists like the likes of Isaac Newton and Galileo
Galilei, to advance in their research.