Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. ~John Ruskin

Thursday, November 12, 2020


Alvaro P. Paulin


Mrs. Tuorto


                                                                Guy Stewart Callendar

Guy Stewart Callendar was born on February 9, 1898 in the city of Montreal, Canada. He was born to the father Hugh Longbourne Callendar and the mother Victoria Mary Stewart.His father was an accomplished physicist who was the first to design and build an accurate platinum resistance thermometer suitable for use.  He received his primary education at Durston House, secondary education at St. Paul’s School and attended City and Guilds Engineering College (part of Imperial College), where his father was chair of the physics department. As a child, he lost his eye, which caused him to avoid going off to fight on the front lines in WWI he then went off to work with his father in a lab for the air ministry testing various apparatus and building aircraft engines. His home life provided a rich creative and technical environment where he was introduced to the scientific elite of England and was able to pursue his interests in science and engineering. In 1938 Callendar made a breakthrough discovery; he was able to detect that global temperatures were rising, and he was able to connect it to CO2 emissions. At the time this went widely unnoticed because "Scientists at the time also couldn't really believe that humans could impact such a large system as the climate - a problem that climate science still encounters from some people today, despite the compelling evidence to the contrary." Says Dr Ed Hawkins of the University of Reading. Here is a chart he used to show the correlation between the rise in CO2 gas and the rise in temperatures.

Works Cited

“." Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography. . 16 Oct. 2020 .”,, 9 Nov. 2020,

Applegate, Zoe. “Guy Stewart Callendar: Global Warming Discovery Marked.” BBC News, BBC, 26 Apr. 2013,

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