Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. ~John Ruskin

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Dust Bowl

Joseph Amado
November 18,2019
"The Dust Bowl"

The dust bowl happened on April 14, 1935, by  and was found by President Franklin D. Roosevelt It was noted that The dust bowl originated in an area between Dakota,Nebraska,Kansas,Oklahoma,Texas,Colorado and new Mexico This area where the dust bowl was founded was called a “desert” to people who passed by the area, which led to people to settle there due to the fact there was so much farm space and so much vast land they stayed there. Which led many to their deaths because they all waited for the rain to come for their crops to grow and then the dust bowl came. This drought made the precipitation in that area decrease by 25%The dust bowl also wasn't just a drought it was also a nationwide catastrophe that led to many minor “mini storms”(as i call them) Known as black blizzards. Even though there was a “depresion” It wasn't as depressing as encountering this. This storm “ was created due to the  millions of tons of dirt were swept from the parched, barren fields and swirled up into the air. These black blizzards would sweep past people houses and would make the area around it render ably not visible, but those who weren't lucky enough to stay indoors would die of “dust pneumonia”.These so called black blizzards would come and go and this phenomena would last 10 years. The dust bowl did not impact The Northern Plains, as they  weren't so badly damaged/affected but the drought, dust, and agricultural decline were felt there as well. The agricultural devastation helped to lengthen the Great Depression, whose effects were felt worldwide.  In the end the dust bowl had left a massive change in american and the entire worlds history.

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