Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. ~John Ruskin

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Hurricane Matthew and Haiti

Hurricane Matthew was known as the third most powerful storm to hit U.S main land. But the real destruction happen in the Caribbean and especially Haiti. When Matthew first formed it was a category 5 but weakened to a category 4 when it hit Haiti. Even though it was a category 4 it still did massive damage. The storm hit east to southeast of Haiti. The winds of this storm went up to 140 MPH and the rain fall was 20 to 40 inches. The winds and water caused flooding, mudslides and great damage to structures  such as main roads. After the storm 175,000 people needed to take shelter in refuge. Matthew affected 2.1 million people which is 20% of the population and the total cost of damage was $2.1 billion dollars.

Image result for pic of haiti during hurricane matthew

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