Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. ~John Ruskin

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Jim Cantore

Jim Cantore

Jim Cantore is one of the most successful and influential Meteorologist in todays society. Jim was born in Connecticut but raised in Vermont. He attended Lyndon Sate College in Vermont and studied meteorology. As soon as he graduated college, The Weather Channel offered him an internship in 1986. He started his career there developing the Fall Foliage. After some years he started to do live reports of the weather. He would report the weather for severe hurricanes such as Katrina, Irene, and Sandy. He also reported the weather before many main events such as PGA Tournaments, NFL games, the Olympics, and The Winter X-Games. He also narrates the series Storm Stories and the Local On the 8s. Throughout his long and successful career, he became a member of the National Weather Association and he also became a member of the American Meteorological Society. Jim Cantore has received the NOAA award in 2002 for his excellence in using satellite technology. Jim was mostly known for his skill of translating hard to understand weather information into everyday spoken language. He is a legend in live broadcasting. Jim's most viral video was when he was attacked during a live report and he just kneed him away. The most impressive part is that Jim didn't even take a pause in his sentences. Jim Cantore is still to this day a great live reporter and he will be to the day he stops working.

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