Climate change can be tied to many of the problems and changes in the world today, from problems with health care and the job market to the environment itself. Climate change is deteriorating our current environments morphing and changing them, destroying many environments, and in some special cases creating new environments.Climate change has come to affect the lives of many beings including but not exclusively affecting humans. Although there are some natural causes that do tend to change the world's climate such as changes in the sun's energy and shifts in ocean currents, these alone do not explain the abnormal warming that we have observed over the last half-century .The global average temperature has increased by more than 1.5°F since the late 1800s, and other regions of the world have heated up to even twice that amount. The extent of these changes depends on how much and how quickly the greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced, If the arctic is able to recover its lost ice, and if the global conveyor belt is able to regulate the temperatures. Global warming is expected to continue to intensify. Affecting things like California's water problems, The Great Plains struggles with farming, The constant changes in the North East, the increase in sea level, and the melting of permafrost.
California is currently in a drought, for the mountain snow pack providing nearly a third of California's water supply is melting too quickly in the summer months for snowfall to compensate in the winter months. The population in California alone makes it hard to secure stable sources of drinking water, its naturally arid climate does not help either. The Great Plains has a distinct east-west gradient in average precipitation, with eastern Texas and Oklahoma experiencing more than 50 inches per year, while some of Montana, Wyoming, and western Texas receive less than 15 inches per year. While warmer temperatures are appearing faster in the Great Plains and are staying longer and the rainfall has shown no signs of increasing. Effectively creating desert like landscapes. The Northeast has seen such a jump in precipitation rates because of the oceans high temperatures in the fall and transitional winter seasons these warmer and wetter conditions that are now found in the north for longer periods of time are projected to aid in the eventual warming of 4.5°F to 10°F by the 2080s. Sea level rise and coastal flooding are likely to disrupt and damage important infrastructure, including communication systems, energy production, transportation, waste management, and access to clean water, The constant rising of the ocean waters and the growth of shore lines mostly due to the constant melting of ice in the arctics. While the melting of permafrost adds to the already abundant and deadly greenhouse gasses.
Climate change can prove to be our end and we as people of the world will regret our actions when it is too late to change them.
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