Vilhelm Bjerknes was born on March 14, 1862. His father, Carl A. Bjerknes, was a mathematician and a researcher of hydrodynamics. Vilhelm was exposed to science at a young age by always helping his father with research. Soon, he continued his fathers research. After becoming a professor at the University of Stockholm, Vilhelm discovered the Polar Front Theory, or fronts. The Polar Front Theory was the discovery of cold and warm fronts, and where storms originated from. When two different fronts met, they would create waves, and take a cyclonic motion that usually turned counter clock wise. This would usually happen in middle latitudes, Earth's temperate zones between the tropics and the Arctic and Antarctic polar regions. Later, Vilhelm founded the Weather Service of Bergen where forecasting was born. Before this, weather readings were unreliable. Today, weather readings are more accurate and are shared with citizens worldwide. Vilhelm's methods and theorems are still used today.
Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. ~John Ruskin
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Friday, October 23, 2015
Johnstown Flood of 1889
The flood of Johnstown was caused by The South Fork Dam, collapsing and releasing 20 million tons of water. The Dam collapsed because it was not maintained by the owner, who was also the owner of the The South Fork Country Club. The Owner was suppose to maintain the dam by fixing and regulate the relief pipes, but that was not done. If the dam leaked the country club owner would just put dirt and straws to stop the leak. Then there was one of the largest rainstorms in history causing the dam to overflow. There were efforts to relieve water from the dam, but non were sufficient. The dam eventually collapse about 2 hours after the last effort to relieve it. 20 million tons of water was drained in about 20 minutes from the dam. It took about an hour for the water filled with debris to reach Johnstown. The downstream of water and debris took out entire villages on its way to Johnstown. The Downstream finally ended when the debris could not go past the stone bridge. The stone bridge saved the lives for many people caught in the downstream as a way to stop them from flowing to the unknown. It took about 3 months to clean up the debris, with dynamite and army support working day and night. The death toll was 2,209 (one of the largest number of American civilian deaths from a disaster), this was also one of the American Red Cross first relief efforts with raising 3.7 million dollars. There is now a national park and museum in Johnstown about the flood in 1889. Johnstown was later hit by floods but nothing as serious as the one in 1889.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Gabriel Fahrenheit
Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit was the son of Daniel and Concordia Schumann Fahrenheit. He was born in Danzig, Germany in 1686. He is best known for creating the Fahenheit scale and first reliable thermometers. Since he never married he produced no offsprings. After his parents, oddly enough, died on the same day, he was sent to Amsterdam to work for and learn from a shopkeeper for four years. He then realized that he had an interest for making scientific instruments. He traveled greatly, spending a considerable amount of time in England where he became a member of the Royal Society. Based on the work the work of Olaus Roemer, he made his first two thermometers. His first thermometers were made from alcohol which he later changed to mercury. He made the discovery that the boiling point of water changes at different atmospheric pressures. He also discovered and studied supercooling a liquid. Reseach on boiling anfd freezing led him to believe that the boiling and freezing points of water were unreliable. He made the Fahrenheit scale form 0 to 212. He made 0 the temperature of a mixture of water, salt and ice. He made 32 as the freezing point of water, and 212 as the boiling point of water. He died in 1736 in The Hague, Amsterdam at the age of fifty.
Monday, October 19, 2015
The Ozone Hole
The Ozone Hole first appeared in the 1980s. It was causes because of the release of halocarbons into the atmosphere. The main two being chlorine and bromine. This two slowly destroyed the ozone layer. It allowed more UV radiation to enter into Earth. It had terrible effects on life in Earth. However many countries from the UN are taking action and this crisis will soon get better.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Hurricane Sandy
Hurricane Sandy at the height of the storm, over 7.5 million people were without power.The hurricane caused close to $62 billion in damage in the United States and at least $315 million in the Caribbean. The Caribbean almost received little to no media coverage and relief, because everyone was focusing on the effects of Sandy in America. The hurricane began as a tropical wave in the Caribbean and quickly turned into a tropical storm in 6 hours. It was upgraded to a hurricane when it reached 74 mph winds. After Sandy passed the Caribbean it was suspected to die out and not reach America. However the storm would resurrect from the dead like Frankenstein. When Arctic Air from Canada came down and would bring the storm straight inland to hit the Jersey Shore. The storm would end up. President Obama would end up saying to the American Citizens "to take this very seriously and follow the instructions of your state and local officials, because they are going to be providing you with the best advice in terms of how to deal with this storm over the coming days." Governor Christie of New Jersey warned the residents of the Islands and anyone staying on the coast of New Jersey would be a dumb decision to stay. He was correct, the storm slammed into New Jersey with winds of 80 mph. A full moon made high tides 20 percent higher than normal and amplified Sandy's storm surge. 115 mph when it hit NJ the lowest pressure was 940mb Hurricane Sandy was the deadliest and most destructive hurricane of the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season, and the second-costliest hurricane in United States history. When the Storm Hit New York Sandy's record storm surge slammed against the city's shore, causing billions of dollars in damage, putting the city into darkness, and killing 43 people. 89 mph wind hit New York City and the damage would end up causing over 50 million dollars of rebuilding from damage. Throughout the next week looting would come about in the Tri-State area because, stores and homes were destroyed by the storm. So broken doors and windows destroyed in the storm were easy to break in and steal items. After Hurricane Sandy New York and New Jersey came up with new laws, evacuation laws to get ready for the next storm.The total death toll reached 285, including at least 125 deaths in the United States.The hurricane caused close to $62 billion in damage in the United States and at least $315 million in the Caribbean. Sandy's tropical storm-force winds spanned 943 miles of the the U.S. coast.
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Luke Howard
Luke Howard was born on November 28, 1772 in London, England.
He was never trained to be a meteorologist and a scientist, but he was a weather enthusiast with an interest of meteorology. He was presenting his paper about clouds classification or modification. Cumulus, Cirrus, Stratus, Cirrocumulus, Cirrostratus, Cumulostratus, and Cumulocirrostratus (Nimbus). Howard influence the painters, poets, and philosophers of the romantic era. He died on March 21, 1864. He died at the age of ,91 in London, England.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Testuya Thedorew "Ted" Fujita
Testuya Theodore "Ted" Fujita, was born in Kitakyushu Japan on October 23, 1920. Before Fujita became a genius of how tornadoes worked and of its wind speed Fujita had to attend college. While attending the Kyushu institute of technology, later on Fujita became an associate professor there until 1953. Another professor who saw his independent discovery on cold-air downdrafts, invited him to the University of Chicago. That's when Fujita started getting into tornadoes. Fujita was a brilliant man of his time who discovered down bursts and micro burst. Fujita was also known for his invention of the Fujita Scale. The Fujita Scale was a scale to compare tornado damage with the speed of the tornado. Fujita's first discovery down burst and micro burst was during World War II , when he was in Kokura (a town in Kitakyushu) which was where a Nuclear bomb was going to be dropped, but he
was spared because of good weather. It hit Nagasaki, and he went to go study the damage. Fujita died on November 19,1998 in Chicago, Illinois, USA. Fujita was a geek with power when it came to tornadoes and has changed the world for the better.
was spared because of good weather. It hit Nagasaki, and he went to go study the damage. Fujita died on November 19,1998 in Chicago, Illinois, USA. Fujita was a geek with power when it came to tornadoes and has changed the world for the better.
Friday, October 2, 2015
Blizzard of 1888 NYC
The Blizzard of 1888 NYC is remembered as the worst storm in NYC's history. New York was impacted with 50 inches of snow. It is known as the worst storm to ever hit New York because nobody was prepared for this blizzard. This storm is also known as,The Great White Hurricane, which lasted for a time period of 3 days in March. This storm also affected other locations in the Northeast too but New York was the place that had the worst of the blizzard. There was an estimate of 300-400 deaths excluding other Northeast states such as Maine, New Jersey, and New Hampshire. They used that horrible experience in order to improve communication and transportation in New York. They realized that they needed an underground train which is known as a subway, in order to travel during bad weather. Telephone wires were built underground so people could communicate with loved ones, who could be stranded in the middle of nowhere.
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